Living on borrowed time

So folks started complaining about the use of the word “elderly”, the most politically correct term for old people. As there is no starting age in the definition, middle-aged guys got offended, now look at that. If they prefer to be called “senior citizens” or are enjoying their “golden years”, be my guest, frankly I’m just interested in the funny expressions for each language:

[EN] elderly, aged, mature,  golden years, senior citizens, Methuselah

[PT] idoso, terceira idade, melhor idade, Matusalém

[ES] anciano, longevo, abuelo, veterano, avetenjado, adulto mayor, Matusalén

But since this is a never-ending list, let’s do like Picasso:

[EN] When they tell me I’m too old to do something, I attempt it immediately.

[PT] Quando me dizem que sou muito velho para fazer alguma coisa, vou lá e tento fazer imediatamente.

[ES] Cuando me dicen que soy demasiado viejo para hacer una cosa, procuro hacerla enseguida.