Brazilianisms – Brazilian music

I though it would be a good idea to spread the Brazilian culture online by translating some great songs we have produced down here. It’s a new series I’m starting on this blog, Brazilianisms. Nothing better than starting with marvelous Brazilian music, right?

This one is a personal favourite by João Bosco (and the finest lyricist Aldir Blanc) and it shows great images of the Brazilian popular culture. The very own title, for example, is a regular football expression. When the player is hit, the broadcaster dramatically describes the scene as if it were a crime – tá lá o corpo estendido no chão! (there lies the body spread on the floor!).

Enjoy. 🙂


Tá lá o corpo
There lies the body
Estendido no chão
Spread on the floor
Em vez de rosto uma foto de um gol
Instead of a face, a photo of a goal
Em vez de reza
Instead of a prayer
Uma praga de alguém
Someone’s curse
E um silêncio
And some silence
Servindo de amém…
Serving as amen…

O bar mais perto depressa lotou
The closest bar soon packed up
Malandro junto com trabalhador
Hustlers along with working men
Um homem subiu na mesa do bar
A man climbed onto the bar’s table
E fez discurso para vereador
And gave a speech to become a councilman

Veio o camelô vender
There came the street vendor
Anel, cordão
Selling rings, cords
Perfume barato
Cheap perfume
A baiana street vendor
Prá fazer pastel
To prepare Brazilian pastels
E um bom churrasco de gato
And some fine street barbecue
Quatro horas da manhã
At 4 am
Baixou o santo na porta bandeira
The flag-holder got in contact with the beyond
E a moçada resolveu parar, e então…(2x)
So folks decided to stop and then…

Tá lá o corpo
There lies the body
Estendido no chão
Spread on the floor
Em vez de rosto uma foto de um gol
Instead of a face, a photo of a goal
Em vez de reza
Instead of a prayer
Uma praga de alguém
Someone’s curse
E um silêncio
And some silence
Servindo de amém…
Serving as amen…

Sem pressa foi cada um
With no rush, each one
Pro seu lado
Went their way
Pensando numa mulher
Thinking of a woman
Ou no time
Or their team
Olhei o corpo no chão
I looked at the body on the floor
E fechei minha janela
And closed my window
De frente pro crime…
Facing the crime…

Veio o camelô vender
There came the street vendor
Anel, cordão
Selling rings, cords
Perfume barato
Cheap perfume
A baiana street vendor
Prá fazer pastel
To prepare Brazilian pastels
E um bom churrasco de gato
And some fine street barbecue
Quatro horas da manhã
At 4 am
Baixou o santo na porta bandeira
The flag-holder got in contact with thw beyond
E a moçada resolveu parar, e então…(2x)
So folks decided to stop and then…

 Tá lá o corpo
There lies the body
Estendido no chão
Spread on the floor