Translation: concrete poetry, literally
Translation into English of an article published on newspaper Correio Braziliense talking about concrete poetry literally in the city made up of concrete.
Translation into English of an article published on newspaper Correio Braziliense talking about concrete poetry literally in the city made up of concrete.
Precisando de um glossário inglês português de química? Aqui tem um pequeno mas bem funcional. Com dicas de tradução inclusas!
Tradução de um artigo da Slate sobre a língua amazônica Pirahã, uma língua sem números. Como assim, um idioma em que não é possível contar?
This is my personal experience, as a Brazilian translator and interpreter, of how Brazilians pronounce English words. We are not native speakers, no sir.
Portable equipment for conference interpreting was a mystery to me. Now I kinda know how it works, ready my personal experience here.
What’s on your bookshelf? Come see most books and dictionaries I own these days as a translator and a reader.
Arabian, Yoruba, Tupi, Cantonese, Catalan, Occitan. Every time you speak good old Brazilian Portuguese, you let go words from these languages.
Here are my answer for 10 questions for translators – my languages, language-related work, books I’m reading, tips for new translators.
Translation into English of a text by Rubem Braga, famous Brazilian author. One of the best examples of our series Brazilianisms part 2 – Rubem Braga.
Tradução: “Intérprete impressiona durante visita de Obama”. Ahmadou Gaye trabalha como tradutor e intérprete para o USAID no Senegal.
Todos os direitos reservados a Marina Borges.
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